COLOR CODE            lin4-1   e912                                                                                    


Codes interpreted from original prints by DHH                                 Oct 13, 2009


This young adult mutant tail has been reconstructed in the phasmid area, behind the rectum.  Every other available thin section was photographed at 20,000X for prints #1-87. Phasmid-related cells were reconstructed using a brown color code. 


See Chalfie, Horvitz and Sulston (1981) Cell 24: 59-69. “Mutations that lead to reiterations in the cell lineages of C. elegans”


This animal shows that daughters of the T cell precursor give rise to reiterated phasmid socket cell daughters. All labeled cells are presumed to be T daughters, except hyp8.



1          PHshL

2          PHso1L.1

3          PHso1L.2

4          PHso2L.2

5          PHso2L.1

6          seamL


11        PHshR

13        PHso1R

15        PHso2R.1

Z          PHso2R.2

SE       seamR

H         hyp8R and hyp7R


Reiterated cells:         on left             PHso1 and PHso2

                                     on right          PHso2